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Beef Flank Steak

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The Naeve family is a six-generation farm family that raises cattle, grows crops, and operates a trucking company based of out Andover, Iowa. Three generations of Naeves work the family farm on a daily basis: Allan Naeve – 4th Gen, Ray Naeve – 5th Gen, Andrew & Adam Naeve – 6th Gen. The family is proud of their ability to grow high-quality cattle, and it has been a long-awaited dream to take the step further to create their own brand of beef. It’s taken us over 125 years to develop our land stewardship and animal husbandry practices and we are committed to continuously evolving. Naeve beef is from high-quality Black Angus Cattle and raised for flavor.

****Please be aware when you receive your beef, it may have a best by date that has already passed; this is due to the family we purchase the beef from having a shop that sells fresh meat.   The beef we purchase is frozen and we deliver it frozen.    As long as you place the beef in the freezer when you receive it, it will be good for up to 12 months.  Once you set it out to thaw, normal consumption time applies.****
Naeve Family Beef

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