Decades ago the Milkman would deliver to everyone's home, whistling as he placed a delivery of milk and other goods in the customers porch box. At that time, the Milkman was known as the person that was counted on to deliver the freshest local products possible to everyone's doorstep. The Milkman was known for being dependable, honest, hard working and truly part of every customers family.
Your Milkman from Shatto Home Delivery will embody those same characteristics. Your Milkman will be a cheerful, local individual that is committed to getting the freshest, local products to your doorstep each week. Your Milkman will also be someone that you will grow to trust, respect, depend on and yes, even see as part of your family.
Whether it is the simple fact that you have fresh products on your porch weekly, or it is the excitement that is gained when the kids wake in the morning and rush to get the fresh milk from the porch box, we are certain you will enjoy bringing the Milkman to your home.